Lovers by Christmas: Page 4
Her phone beeped with a text message. Her driver had arrived. “My ride is here.”
“Ugh! This is mightily unfair,” Simon cried raising his arms to the ceiling, then flopping them down in his lap. “Thea gets to go to the most glamorous party of the holiday season, and I have stay here, drink hot tea, and stew in a body of disease.”
“At least now you can binge-watch Magnum P.I.”
Simon pouted and crossed his arms. “Little comfort.” He forced himself to sit up. “Please have fun. Promise me.”
“I promise.” She kissed the top of his head.
Outside her townhouse, there was a black Maybach sedan waiting for her. The driver introduced himself and opened the rear passenger door.
The drive to the Mallory’s home was an hour away and even though she begged off on the offer, she was glad in the end Mrs. Mallory had insisted on sending a car. The only reason Thea had obtained this exclusive invite was because she’d become their newest interior decorator. The Mallorys painstakingly enhanced the original architectural details with hand-painted palazzo ceilings, a vaulted living room with a silver leaf ceiling, Venetian hand-plastered walls, a Travertine stone patio and more. The house on its own was magnificent, but with the new additions, it was a breathtaking work of art.
She looked forward to enjoying the space for the first time without working.
Over the past week, she’d had a lot of downtime, and whenever that happened, such as now, Kenner immediately and mercilessly came to mind. And then, predictably, her body would bloom hot with yearning, and she’d subconsciously trace her fingers over her chest, remembering the magic of his touch.
With his looks and visceral sex appeal, finding a woman to take home with him was probably like shooting fish in a barrel.
She’d never go back to that bar again.
With Christmas less than a week away, she had several options offered to her. A quiet day at her aunt and uncle’s in Santa Cruz, or a chaotic one with Simon’s family, or at a close friend’s house, filled with little ones running around. Depending on what mood she was in, she would decide tomorrow.
When the driver pulled in the Mallory’s drive, she couldn’t help but grin. The entire property was lit up, including the purple leaf plum and pine trees aligning the driveway. The massive water fountain out front seemed to spring shimmering gold from its spouts and every window of the estate glowed with antique candelabras.
The valet attendant swept open her door and two nutcracker-uniformed guards that flanked the double front doors bowed, then allowed her inside. The scent of warm apples and cinnamon greeted her. She was immediately greeted by the butler, who knew her quite well after all the time she’d spent inside the mansion. She handed him her jacket and was immediately offered a glass of French champagne.
Classical holiday music and merry laughter echoed from every room, the party already in full swing even though it’d only begun half an hour ago. People were walking from room to room, arm in arm, and a few took advantage of the mistletoe.
She hardly knew a soul other than the Mallorys and a few of their friends, and dreaded becoming a wallflower by the end of the evening. Even so, she determined to make an effort and have fun, as commanded by Simon. Almost as soon as Thea stepped in the large living room, she spotted Mrs. Mallory with her signature curly red hair, wearing a silver dress with a huge flower detail at her shoulder.
“Thea. My artiste!” the woman greeted squeezing Thea’s shoulders and kissing the air beside her cheek. “You are a stunner in this dress! My friends will hate you on sight,” she joked. “I’m so glad you came.”
She smiled back. “Thank you for inviting me, Meryl. It’s an absolute dream in here.”
“Isn’t it? Thank you helping to make my vision come true. The least I could do was invite you to our little soiree.”
Ha. Little. By her guestimate, Thea would say there were probably at least three-hundred people on the grounds as they spoke. “We finished everything just in time for the party, too.”
“Have you taken a tour? I pride myself on the Christmas decorations. I change them every year.” She turned Thea around and began walking with her across the hall to the dining room. “We have every little nibbling you can imagine in here. Don’t be shy. Eat to your heart’s desire. There are games in the billiard room and dancing in the ballroom.” Meryl looked around. “Where is your plus one?”
“He caught a cold,” she told her in regret. “He’s crushed he couldn’t make it.”
“No! How awful. Be sure to take him a goody bag before you leave.” She gestured the extravagant pile of gold and silver boxes on the table in the corner. “I must mingle heavily before I even think of sipping any champagne. I’ll talk to you later on. Enjoy yourself!”
Smiling, she watched Meryl go greet more of her friends as they walked in the door. Thea took her time and perused over the delicacies and sweets offered on the table. More appetizers were presented by the servers who rushed in and out of the kitchen. After sampling the spinach and goat cheese tartlets and Swedish meatballs, she plucked a mint to freshen her breath and decided to look around and take in the general splendor of the party.
Back in the living room, she was gazing at the ginormous forty-foot tall Christmas tree when she felt a tap her shoulder. She turned around in surprise, then smiled with relief at the first familiar face other than Meryl’s.
Dressed in a strapless dark green silk dress, Jordana Shaw hugged Thea. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” she greeted back.
The main reason Thea had gotten the gig with the Mallorys was because of her work on Jordana and Logan Savant’s home. She’d been hired by the couple the previous summer to decorate their house before their summer party. Meryl and her husband had attended, and Meryl had been so impressed with her skills, she’d hired Thea on the spot. While the Mallory’s home had been an intense and very demanding project, the Savant’s had been enjoyable and effortless. Jordana had been open to all of Thea’s suggestions, and was utterly painless to please.
The beautiful brunette roved her gaze around the room. “I can see your touch all over this house. So exquisite from how it looked last year. Meryl can’t stop bragging about her interior decorator. She speaks as if she found you wandering in the street and discovered the hot new designer of the year on her own. I reminded her you were quite in demand before she came along.”
She laughed, then shrugged. “As long as she brags, I’m okay with the whole street wanderer story.”
Jordana giggled. “Are you working on anything now?”
“Not really. The holidays always slow my business down, but I have several people on my docket after New Year’s. To tell you the truth, I’m enjoying the break.” She squeezed Jordana’s hand with affection. “I heard your book made it to the New York Times bestseller list.”
Grinning, shaking her head and lifting her shoulders, Jordana said, “I still have to pinch myself. I was happy enough having them illustrated and published, but to make it to the bestseller list is icing on the giant cake.”
“Logan must be so proud of you,” Thea said, remembering Logan pulling her aside and asking her to put in an order for a special display case for his wife’s books. A little surprise for their home library. He adored her.
At the mention of her husband, Jordana lit up, and shifted her gaze down with an almost bashful blush. “He is. I couldn’t possibly wish for more.”
“Speaking of your dashing husband, where is he?” Thea asked.
Jordana linked her arm in hers. “Over there, probably talking shop.”
Indeed, Logan stood among a group of men near the back of the main room, all were elegantly dressed in tuxedos of varying styles.
“Honey,” Jordana said affectionately, setting her hand on his shoulder.
Her husband turned his profile to her, smiled, and slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her to his side. Thea suddenly felt like an intruder standing near them, even thou
gh the intimate moment had been brief. The electric chemistry passing between them was enough to make Thea’s cheeks warm.
“Thea’s here,” Jordana told her husband in a tender voice.
Logan turned completely around and grinned, his dimple deepening before he bent to kiss her on the cheek. “Great to see you! Merry Christmas.”
“Same to you, Logan.” She looked from one to the other, grinning. “Thank you so much for the referrals. Because of you two I could have my entire 2016 calendar filled by spring.”
“Meryl’s home is amazing,” Logan complimented.
“It was my biggest job of the year, needless to say.” And she was utterly proud of it. At first, she hadn’t been sure she was up to a project of that magnitude, especially for a woman as rich and influential as Meryl Mallory. However, once Thea expressed her ideas and redirected some of Bob’s more outrageous ones, everything came together without a whole lot of frustration or setbacks. The Mallorys estate was now featured on her website. “But, I hope it isn’t my last.”
“Trust me, it couldn’t possibly be your final major project after tonight,” Jordana exclaimed.
Just then, a friend of the couple’s, Ashtyn Caenon, walked over with a big grin, wearing a long, dark red gown. “I know, we’re so late on arrival. We were—stuck in traffic.”
“No, you weren’t,” Logan drawled, smiling behind his champagne glass.
Ashtyn’s husband Neil was right behind her, sliding a possessive arm around her stomach and smiling over her shoulder. “Did you guys just get here? It took us forever to find you.”
“No use in lying, Neil,” Jordana smiled. “Ashtyn already gave the lame excuse of being stuck in traffic.”
“Baby!” he jokingly admonished his beautiful wife. “Gotta practice on the lies some more.”
They all laughed, Thea included.
Just then, Meryl came over to her side. “Thea, there’s someone I must introduce you to,” she said. “He’s in dire need of an interior decorator of your talent. I hate to intrude, but my home has become your business card tonight.”
Thea smiled. “I’m more than happy to meet him.” She excused herself from the group of friends and joined Mrs. Mallory’s side while she ambled her way through the crowd.
“Now where did he go?” Meryl looked around the room. “Oh, there he is. By the fireplace.” She swept over to the left and patted the shoulder of a tall man with black hair. “Dear, I insist you meet Thea.”
As if in slow motion, he moved his profile first and Thea froze, stomach dropping to her feet. When he completely turned around, only a flash of shock registered in his brown eyes before it disappeared.
Meryl smiled. “Thea, this is Dr. Kenner Sutton.”
It was him.
How could it be him? A riot erupted in her head while a rush of hot then cold swept over her entire body.
Should she pretend like they’d never met?
Seeming to sense her paralyzing indecision, Kenner took the lead and held out his hand. “Hello.”
An inaudible gasp escaped. She nearly melted at that one word. How could “hello” devastate her and ignite desire at the same time? Knowing she absolutely had to, she shook his hand. He enveloped hers gently, then increased in pressure, as though Kenner wanted to remind her of his touch. As if she could ever forget it.
“Hello,” she finally managed to say, a little too breathlessly.
To Thea’s relief, Meryl appeared oblivious to the mounting sexual tension. “Thea Martin is my interior decorator. You made a comment earlier and I just knew I had to introduce you two. Your apartment is a blank canvas and she has the artist’s eye like no other. She’s young, but she has an old soul. Did you see my palazzo ceiling?”
Kenner’s eyes had yet to leave Thea’s. “Yes, I saw it.”
“Mrs. Mallory! We need you!” Someone called from behind her.
“You two can acquaint yourselves. My work here is done. Coming, darling!” She rushed off, leaving Kenner and Thea alone.
Exhaling the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, Thea was a mannequin of disbelief, face-to-face with the man who’d haunted her December nights.
“How are you?” he asked softly in that signature silken voice.
I was okay until this very moment. “Fine.” She cleared the strangled catch in her throat. “You?”
She nodded, folding her hands in front of her and unknotting her tongue. “So you’re a doctor. Not an ad exec.”
“Yes. And you’re an acclaimed interior decorator. Not an insurance agent.”
“Yes, well, at least we didn’t lie about our names. How do you know Bob and Meryl?” she asked, wondering if a doctor would be able to interpret her body temperature and language more than the average man. It was agony projecting this indifferent attitude in front of him.
“Bob is a good friend of my father’s. I grew up with his two sons,” he explained, watching her. “I can’t believe you’re really here. God, you look incredible.”
The intensity was still there. His behavior at The Dame & Dapper had not been an act, and he was more handsome than she remembered. Clean-shaven and in a suit this time, which only enhanced his appeal. She stared at his mouth, and a memory of how many places he used it had a heat rapidly coming up her chest, neck, and cheeks. No one knew the man standing in front of her had searched every inch of her body with his mouth and tongue. No one knew just weeks ago he’d made love to her with such erotic tenderness, she’d almost wept.
Reliving the memory caused a tremor to run through her, and she was utterly embarrassed. The silence grew, and the fireplace crackled with embers. All other noises from the party seemed far away. Unable to bear much more, she took a small step back. “Well. It’s good to see you again. Excuse me,” she uttered before starting to turn away.
He caught her hand. “Oh no you don’t. Not again.”
She faced him, ignoring the fire he’d started in her hand. “Sorry. I don’t know how to act or what to say.”
“You’re not the only one.” He traced his thumb over her knuckles before he gently released her hand. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
She dropped her voice to a whisper. “That’s the point of a one-night stand.”
“Is that all I was to you? A good fuck for the night?”
She flinched at his words. “Yes. Isn’t that what I was to you?”
“Hardly.” He continued to stare at her, shaking his head. “Thea, I’ve been looking for you ever since.”
“You have?” she asked in a weak voice.
“I’ve been going to The Dame & Dapper every other night for the past month. I’m practically paying their rent.”
A voice in her head cheered at this knowledge, but she determined to remain skeptical. “And why would you do that?”she arched.
“I wanted to see you again,” he said as though it should’ve been blatantly obvious.
She lifted a brow. “You mean you thought you found yourself an easy lay and wanted a repeat.”
He frowned. “You’re not easy and that’s not why I kept going back.”
Yeah, right. She found herself deliberately cheapening their beautiful night together so the draw to him would wane. If that was even possible. “We spent one night together. That’s all.”
He paused long. Too long, tracing his gaze over her face as if he couldn’t determine what he should say next. “We didn’t use any protection the last time. Is there a chance you’re pregnant?”
The tender concern in his voice shot to her heart and bloomed warmth and appreciation. Even though it was a little too soon to test, she knew the likelihood she was carrying his child was very, very small. “A slim to none chance. I’m on birth control.”
He gave a single nod. “I see.”
Her heart hammered so loud in her ears, she could barely hear the fanciful holiday music playing in the background. It wouldn’t surprise her if he coul
d hear her heartbeat at his nearness, or see it pound in her chest. All he had to do was stand there and look at her like that. A rapid blush flooded her face, and she shifted her gaze to his elbow and swallowed. She couldn’t handle his kind of intensity right now. At the bar? Yes. Here? No. “I don’t think there’s anything else we need to discuss. Now if you’ll excuse me. Again.” She started to move past him.
“How can you say that?” he asked softly.
She stopped in her tracks, attempting to keep her voice down. “I went back,” she confessed, keeping her volume low. “I went back two weeks ago looking for you, when the bartender enlightened me about your little tag team for the roof.”
“What?” he exclaimed.
“You heard me.” Seeing the blatant confusion in his face didn’t soothe her. “It’s all right, Kenner. I’m not upset. Really. You don’t have to pretend you’re someone you’re not.”
“If you think for one second I want anything to do with you now, you’re hugely mistaken.”
He tucked his hands in his pockets, drawing in a breath and exhaling, leveling his gaze. “Listen to me. Please.”
The tone of his voice and the entreaty in his eyes were too powerful to ignore. Heart hammering, she waited. “I’m listening.”
“It’s true you weren’t the first woman I’ve taken to the roof,” he admitted with a sense of shame on his handsome face. “But until you, I’d never gone that far with anyone.”
If he thought that was going to help his case, then he was wrong. “Glad I set a new standard for future conquests. Good-bye, Dr. Sutton.” Humiliated all over again, she started to turn away, but he gently grasped her elbow. “I don’t have anything more to say to you.”
“Thea. Rory doesn’t know a damn thing about us. He likely assumed you were trying to track me down through him and thought he was doing me favor hedging you off.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does to me.”
“Why? Feeling bad I found out about your little scheme?”
He squeezed her elbow. “It wasn’t a scheme. Not that night. Not with you.”